my Bio

Info about DJ Steam aka DJ Rolf

DJ Steam aka DJ Rolf

I`m a german DJ since 1979, known as DJ Rolf

in the begining of the 80`s, i played in great german and italian discotheks.. sounds like italo, new wave or motown and disco sounds.


Some of my discotheks:

Drops / Kehl Germany

Trianon / Ötigheim Germany

Shalimar / Senegalia Italy

Joy Music Club / Durmersheim Germany

Beach Club / Forst Germany

Absolut / Karlsruhe Germany

Akra / Kandel Germany

since the last three years, i find my love in deep house and indie sounds, so i produced a lot of mixes under my international DJ Name called DJ Steam. 


Top Ranking by the international DJ TOP100

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DJ, DJ Rolf, DJ Steam, Deep House, Indie, NuDisco, Hochzeiten, Deep House Mixe, Steam Attack, Steam Attack Mixe, DJ Karlsruhe, DJ Mannheim, Trianon, Trianon Studio, Trianon Party, Sunshine Live, Bigfm,